In Memory

Jonathan Simkovitz

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07/25/15 02:21 AM #1    

David Barg

I was deeply saddened at the news of Jons passing.

 We were 'best friends' all through our high school years. Together we traveled to Israel, worked at Camp Tamarack, and  attended Wayne State University. Jon was a great friend.

He loved to go hiking and camping in what was truly the wilderness.  He loved seeking out small Jazz clubs hidden in urban Detroit.. He loved people and made friends wherever he went. 



07/27/15 12:53 PM #2    

Eric Wilson (Wilson)

Very sad.  How did he die?

07/28/15 01:10 PM #3    

Cynthia Brody

Horrible loss.  He was a sweet guy and so smart!

07/29/15 04:04 PM #4    

Lori Stein (Selonke)

I remember Jonathan runnung threw the halls with a large back pack.  I'm so sad to hear of his passing. He was a really nice guy.


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